That was it with digitization in Germany

Traffic light coalition

The Greens, FDP and SPD apparently want to do without a digital ministry.

(Photo: imago images / Chris Emil Janßen)

Unless another miracle happens, the new government will not create an independent digital ministry. The SPD, Greens and FDP have thus canceled the digital future, an important opportunity has been wasted. Now the mega-topic is supposed to be flanged to some department. It is not a priority.

A climate protection ministry, on the other hand, will rightly exist. There you want to bundle all competencies and move entire departments back and forth. There are even plans to merge the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Environment. In the case of digitization, all of this is allegedly too difficult. It wouldn’t be worth the effort.

That is all a pretext. Party political reasons play a role. Neither of the future partners wants to leave this profiling field to the other. So everything stays as it is. The Ministry of the Interior remains responsible for cybersecurity and thus continues to dig into all topics. The future field of e-health is subject to the Ministry of Health and the influence of the encrusted structures of the AOK and other competitors. The transport and economics ministries will argue about autonomous driving. Digitization will continue to be ground up, as it always has been.

Minister Altmaier was ashamed of the dead spots

There was a broad digital agenda in the penultimate grand coalition. Five departments were in charge. Nothing came of it. In the last legislative period, attempts were made to find a minister of state in the chancellery. Apart from non-flying air taxis and dazzling appearances at gaming convents, little has got stuck.

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Minister of Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier did not allow foreign counterparts to put calls into his company car because he was ashamed of the dead spots. It is almost foreseeable that the future Chancellor Olaf Scholz will threaten to make the whole thing a top priority. That was it again with digitization in Germany.

More on this: Ministry of Digital Affairs. What a compromise could look like

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