That Coin Could Enter Top 3! As we mentioned, the crypto money market has been facing decreases in recent days. Despite these decreases, famous names who make comments say that some cryptocurrencies can make a difference to their competitors. According to Marshall Hyner, board member of the Dogecoin Foundation, the meme-inspired altcoin project Dogecoin (DOGE) could become the top 3 major cryptocurrencies! Here are the details…

Critical comment from the famous manager: “Dogecoin will be one of the top 3 cryptocurrencies!”

The cryptocurrency market has been awash in recent days, with meme coin projects on the rise. Especially the rises in PEPE and TROLL bring the leading meme coin project Dogecoin (DOGE) to the minds of many investors. Marshall Hyner, a board member of the Dogecoin Foundation, stated in a recent statement that the meme coin leader DOGE could be among the top 3 cryptocurrencies. In an interview with FOX Business on Saturday, Hyner said DOGE’s “meme power” would make it even more popular.

I think he’ll be one of the top three one day because there’s this “mem’tic power” and it’s unstoppable. However, all meme coins are headed by Kabosu and Dogecoin.

Hyner also said that Dogecoin cannot be classified as a security, citing its similarity to Bitcoin, a commodity recognized by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The words quoted by the famous name are as follows:

Under the Securities Exchange Act, a security is classified as a financial asset with an expectation of future earnings and a centralized entity such as Howie. None of these factors are available in DOGE.

Cryptocurrency Statements from the SEC Chairman

On the other hand, the ongoing lack of legal clarity regarding the classification of cryptocurrencies was brought to the fore again last week during the testimony of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler before the House Financial Services Committee. Republican North Carolina Representative Patrick McHenry asked Gensler whether he believed Ethereum to be a security or a commodity, but Gensler declined to comment, and this caught the attention of many investors.

Dogecoin Founder Billy Markus draws attention with his negative attitude towards cryptocurrencies!

As you know, Dogecoin founder Billy Markus has been pessimistic about cryptocurrencies for a long time. As you may recall, the founder of Dogecoin stated last year that he stopped investing in cryptocurrencies shortly after DOGE was launched. Investing in cryptocurrencies is considered a form of gambling, according to the famous founder. But many investors are closely following the news from Billy Markus for Dogecoin.

Leading meme coin project Dogecoin (DOGE) hasn’t caught the pump that Elon Musk has been waiting for for a while. Especially in the last week, DOGE has lost 12 percent in value. Instantly, the popular meme coin is trading at $0.079019. Its market value is currently at the level of 11 billion dollars.

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