Tesla prices will be cheaper with the new platform

Although the electric car industry is growing rapidly, rising inflation all over the world has caused prices to increase. Tesla CEO Elon Musk On the other hand, he mentioned a new Model 3 / Y technology, stating that electric car prices can be reduced by half.

Tesla develops next-generation electric car platform

Tesla’s electric car prices are an issue that Elon Musk has discussed for many years. Tesla CEO, who stated that they could not reduce prices because they could not reduce costs many times before, announced that the company was not working on a “cheaper electric car”. Tesla may have given up on this decision.

Elon Musk, who recently held a meeting with investors, Model 3 and Y platform He said that they are working on a new generation technology that will cost about half of the cost. He confirmed that the next-gen platform will have a more cost-effective and therefore cheaper label.

Tesla Semi is coming: Third quarter financial report released

Tesla Semi is coming: Third quarter financial report released

Tesla, which came to the fore with financial problems, shared its third quarter report. The company will make the first delivery of the Semi model this year.

“At this point we are done with engineering for Cybertrucks and Semi. So what we’re working on is the next-gen vehicle, which will likely be about half the cost of platform 3 and Y. To be clear, it will be more affordable.”

Tesla CEO said in an earlier interview that they were working on a $25,000 Tesla model. He did not give a price range in his last statement, but $25,000 to $35,000 A vehicle platform may be being developed between

Elon Musk said, “We will embed everything we learned from S, X, 3, Y, Cybertruck and Semi on this platform. But we are targeting 2 to 1 in terms of price and cost. We are trying to reach the 50 percent cost figure again,” he said. of Model 3 in the USA from 47 thousand dollars Let us remind you that it is offered with starting prices.

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