Terra CEO Do Kwon Puts Terra Network Revitalization Proposal to Official Vote

Terra CEO Do Kwon put his proposal to revive the Terra network to an official vote.

DoKwon, Wednesday, May 18 to save LUNA for the day Forking the Terra network and proposes that the new token be distributed to previous holders according to certain proportions. submitted the proposal to an official vote.

Calling the community to vote and make their voices heard in his post on Twitter, Kwon said that the current Terra network Terra Classic proposal to be renamed Nexus Protocol, Stader Labs and Flipside Crypto He stated that he supported various projects such as

If the offer is approved 27 may on Terra Classic your network 7790000 A final image will be taken on the block and the new network will be started.

Upon Kwon’s release of his new LUNA proposal, votes opened by users on the official Terra forum 90%He revealed that more than half of them were against this proposal.

Investors, who oppose the CEO’s proposal, argue that existing tokens should be burned to try to add value to the existing LUNA and UST.

New LUNA Proposal from Terra CEO Do Kwon

Related article: New LUNA Proposal from Terra CEO Do Kwon

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