Tension Rising Between Two Dogecoin Founders: Blocked From Twitter

Billy Marcus, co-founder of the most valuable meme token Dogecoin in terms of market value, blocked Jackson Palmer, another co-founder.

Jackson Palmer posted on Twitter on August 21. in the shipmentshared a photo showing that she was blocked by Billy Marcus.

Many commentators are skeptical of Billy Marcus’s blocking gesture to his other partner. from his opposition to cryptocurrencies He thinks he might have done it.

Palmer, one of the founders of Dogecoin, which was produced as a parody of Bitcoin in 2013, had many criticisms of Marcus, who he said was the “man” of Elon Musk. Palmer previously beat Elon Musk as a scammer described and completely with ego-derived cryptocurrencies He said he was interested.

Palmer, who is very critical of cryptocurrencies, about 4 months ago that the price of many cryptocurrencies will reset he said he was thinking. All of Palmer’s Dogecoins in 2015 the car with this income he sold and earned is assumed to have.

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