Technology Giant Nokia Believes Metaverse Technology Will Replace Mobile Phones

Nokia, a multinational information technology and telecommunications company, thinks that metaverse technology can replace the mobile phone trend known today.

Nokia will continue to use metaverse technology in the coming period. can replace the use of mobile phones claims. Nokia’s chief strategy and technology officer Nishant Batra Increasing interest in the metaverse, in line with the claim made by will grow like an avalanche and it will become unavoidable.

Nokia, the pioneer of the mobile phone system that marks the next decade, although mobile phones continue to appear in the markets. communication with the metaverse would be the primary option. states. However, for this metaverse-based future to come to fruition, it needs to be aligned. several important factors exists.

Keys to Nokia’s Digital Future

Nokia, the rise of this digital-based world, Meta metaverse of companies like what they did to make it a trend He associates it with several important factors, including pressure. Also, consumers more concerned about price and form than institutions it is underlined.

Nishant Batra made the following remarkable statements in his statement on the subject:

Widespread adoption of the technology by companies and consumers alike will be critical to its truly successful success. This will also depend on the availability of affordable, ergonomic wireless-connected VR and AR devices.

According to the company, the development of the metaverse will be supported by the use of virtual reality (VR) headsets and augmented reality glasses, allowing users to interact at various events. Nokia, all these links anticipates creating security vulnerabilities and the company is also working to secure users in the metadatabase.

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