TDK Removed the Definition of Four Sexist Words

TDK also removed the definitions of four words in the Turkish dictionary, which it updated on July 20, which has garnered reactions for years.

The Turkish Language Association (TDK) updated the Turkish dictionary on 20 July 2023 and changed the spelling of some words. Also in the dictionaryfrom Turkey”, he removed this word and its definition from the dictionary after discussions on social media.

On the other hand, the updates made in the dictionary were not limited to these. He was accused of being sexist in the past years. removed all four definitions that drew criticism.

The words and definitions that TDK has removed from sexist definitions:

  • Free: ready to flirt, able to flirt easily (female)
  • Dirty: Menstruating (female)
  • Free: not dignified, floozy (female)
  • Small business: woman who has gone astray

Signature campaigns have been launched on for the aforementioned word definitions. removal was requested. The evaluations made as a result of these petitions and the reactions in the social media seem to be justified and TDK removed the definitions from the Turkish dictionary.

TDK has previously tough defense had done:

In the news dated May 7, 2016, the defense of TDK officials regarding the reactions was included. Making a statement to Habertürk (Click here for the original link.) TDK officials used the following statements:

“Currently, there are 117 thousand vocabulary and 93 thousand headlines in the dictionary. Defining so many words is not an easy task. ‘Wow, the dictionary has derogatory definitions.’ These definitions exist among the people. While preparing the Turkish dictionary, TDK does not sit at the desk and define a word.”

Especially for the definition of the word “dirty”, it was said:

“It is thought that TDK has loaded these meanings. This word was used among the people or by any writer. We got it from there. We said it was used in this sense and added it there. ‘Dirty’ will not be removed from the dictionary. The abbreviation ‘metaphor’ will be added to the beginning of the word.”


Statement on the Word “from Turkey” Added to the Turkish Dictionary by TDK: Investigation Started!

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