Tax shock to tech billionaires: They will pay record money

The idea of ​​taxing more millionaires, which has been a controversial topic since the administration of former US President Donald Trump, has been officially approved. US President Joe Bidennew as part of the 2023 budget request billionaire tax presented.

The new law, signed by President Biden, aims to tax US citizens with a net worth of over $100 million. Live “Billionaire Income Tax“Accordingly, the wealthiest American citizens have to pay income tax of at least 20 percent.

Apple did not fulfill its obligations: Record penalty from the Netherlands!

Apple and the Dutch Consumers and Markets Authority (ACM) have long clashed over the company’s policies on the App Store.

US billionaire tax: Who pays how much?

Billionaire Income Tax, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos It will deeply affect dozens of technology billionaires, including The new bill, which changes the tax code’s definition of income, will go beyond salaries and tax billionaires on assets such as bonds and stocks they own.

According to the new law, billionaires, of stocks and others they hold increases in the value of assets will owe the government unless they pay a tax of 20 percent on all their income, including

In addition, according to researcher Gabriel Zucman, the new taxation will save the United States billions of dollars. According to Bloomberg data, even just the 10 richest people will be around in the next ten years. $215 billion tax will pay.

The Biden administration is in charge of the Billionaire Income Tax in the next ten years. 360 billion dollars He guesses he can. Request The annual tax that billionaires will pay:

  1. Elon Musk: $50 billion
  2. Jeff Bezos: $35 billion
  3. Warren Buffett: $26 billion
  4. Larry Page: $22 billion
  5. Sergey Brin: $21 billion
  6. Larry Ellison: $17 billion
  7. Mark Zuckerberg: $16 billion
  8. Bill Gates: $11 billion
  9. Steve Ballmer: $10 billion
  10. Jim Walton: $7 billion

The White House previously occupied the 400 richest families in America. annual income taxHe claimed that he only paid 8.2 percent of the fee. So the new law could mean massive taxation for America’s leading billionaires.

What do you think about the new billionaire tax designed by the USA? Don’t forget to share your feedback with us on the SDN Forum or in the comments!

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