Swain CT in Lol, Abilities, Strengths And Weaknesses

Swain, the lord of the crows, is one of the characters bearing the name of Noxus in League of Legends. Swain, who is a complete mechanical character, is so enjoyable but also difficult to play both in the top lane and the bottom lane.

if played well swainin the upper aisle a dangerous character can become. In addition to making use of the magic power of his abilities, he is much more durable than many mage characters and defy top lane characters causing him to be in a different pane from the wizards.

Although it may seem difficult from the outside, it can be practiced for a while. swain It can become quite enjoyable. Although he has a problem with mobility, he has crowd control capabilities It also manages to solve that problem.

Swain CTs: Strong opponents against Swain

  • rumble
  • trundle
  • brand
  • Mixed
  • irelia

Swain early in the game having problems with damage a character. That’s why characters with a dominant gameplay in the early stage swain can cause problems. The same goes for the bottom lane as well. If there is someone who can easily respond to his damage or if there is someone who can minimize his damage, this can be a problem.

All of Swain’s abilities, which can slow down opponents with his ‘demon eye’:

All of Swain's abilities

  • Passive / Raven Swarm: Swain’s ravens summon spectra that heal him and permanently increase his maximum health. Swain right-clicks on immobilized champions, pulling them to himself and dealing damage to them and unraveling a spectrum.
  • Q / Hand of Death: Swain fires a few spells that pierce opponents. Enemies hit take more damage for each shot.
  • W/ Eye of the Empire: Swain unleashes a demon eye that damages and slows enemies. Champions he hits are revealed and grant Swain a specter.
  • E / Don’t Move: Swain sends forth a wave of demonic power. The wave then returns to Swain, rooting enemies hit.
  • R / Peak of Darkness: Swain transforms into a demon, stealing health from nearby enemy champions, minions, and neutral monsters. Swain can use his Demon Fire to smash nearby enemies with a burst of spectral fire. In this state, he deals damage equal to a portion of the health he stole and ends his transformation.

Strengths and weaknesses of Swain, lord of the crows:

Swain's strengths and weaknesses

Powerful features of Swain:

  • Greater survival potential than most mages
  • Ability to maintain all kinds of crowd control capabilities
  • Has haras potential even at long range with his W ability

Swain’s biggest plus compared to many mages many more features to survive to have. The right use of these features can make you very powerful. And also with W ability A few of Swain’s strengths are that you can harass from afar or maintain a lot of crowd control thanks to your passive.

Swain’s weaknesses:

  • Going head-to-head is possible as the general kit is built around mid and close range.
  • He may have trouble pushing lane for a while in the early stages
  • Strong in crowd control and survivability, but can be a victim of raids

How much is the W ability remote haras The character’s overall kit consists of medium and close range. In this case, it can inevitably lead to a head-on collision. In addition, their abilities low early damage It can also make it difficult to push the minion waves in the lane.

How to play Swain in LoL?

Tips for playing Swain

  • Gaining health boosts from your passive in the early phase is very important in Swain. So the more skills you get, the more advanced you will become.
  • Note that your pass applies to any immobilized champion, not just your crowd control
  • Don’t be afraid to waste your abilities, try to survive in a possible raid with your ground ability, including your ult, as you are having trouble with mobility.

If Swain can collect his passives from the early stage, pretty strong from mid-stage it can happen. That’s why it’s so important to retain talent. Compared to Swain’s other mages more successful in surviving we talked about. The main reason for this passive and ultimate stealing from. So if you don’t have a chance to escape in a possible raid, try fighting with your ultimate.

How to play against Swain, how to beat Swain?

How to play against Swain?

  • Swain’s immobilizing E deals damage both on his move and on his return. But only the turning part immobilizes the player
  • Swain’s W has a pretty long range, so be aware that you can be hit by a W at any time while you’re running away with low health.
  • Swain is a character who can’t speak his dominance in the early stages. Therefore, playing characters that can be strong in the early phase can make it easier for you to win the lane phase.

Whether it’s the upper lane or the lower lane swain basically doing the same thing. The E ability is your worst enemy and only fixes you on the way back. And also W ability You have to be careful when you have low health, as the range is too much compared to the rest of his abilities. For being successful in surviving in general getting into battle with a Swain who has an active ult It may not make much sense.

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