‘Suspended Photocopy’ Application Launched for Students

Selin Kandemir, who has been running a photocopying center in Rize since 1998, implemented the hanging photocopying application. Thanks to the system, which has the same logic as the suspended bread project, it is tried to help students who have financial difficulties.

There is a long-standing cooperation network in Turkey. “hanging breadThis system, which is called “, allows some citizens to pay for a certain number of breads and receive these breads free of charge by those in need. RizeA photocopy center used mostly by students in , on the other hand, decided to expand the scope of this cooperation network. “Suspended copyA citizen named Selim Kandemir, who implemented the ” application, seems to be a breath of fresh air for students who have difficulties while trying to continue their education life.

Hanging photocopy application, with hanging bread have the same logic. Donations made by well-off citizens become free lecture notes by well-off students. “In this establishment, photocopying is applied on the hanger.The operator, who put the phrase ” on his wall, seems to be hopeful about the project he started. Moreover, residents of Rize are seriously considering this practice. have started to support.

So far, 2,464 sheets have been donated

Making statements about the application he started, Selim Kandemir said, “We have been serving our students in the printing industry in Rize since 1998. 23 years always we tried to be with our students. Just as we have supported our students so far, our customers who work with us wanted to support our students at the point of support, and our students with no financial situation wanted to support them as photocopies. We also did this. How is the case of hanging bread in the bakeries in our region, when our students, who are not in good economic condition, come to us and have their photocopies made? we do not charge. We support students in a way by reducing the number of hanging leaves.” said.


A student named Onur Urelli also spoke on the subject. Underlining that it is very difficult to make a living, Urelli said that thanks to this application, students in need can be that you can relax told. Onur Urelli mentioned that he stayed in a student house and every purchase they made was around 500 TL. will be supported stated.

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