Surprise Statement From Putin About Cryptocurrency Mining

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he is warm to crypto money mining and will support it if it is done with regulations. Contrary to this approach, the Central Bank of Russia wants cryptocurrencies to be completely banned in the country.

President of Russia Vladimir Putinmade statements about cryptocurrencies, which has become one of the most controversial investment tools in recent years. Putin, who opposes the Central Bank of Russia with his statements, will start crypto money mining in case of regulation. will support explained. The Central Bank of Russia said that cryptocurrencies from the country completely banned wants.

Vladimir Putin, who held a press conference yesterday, talked about Russia’s crypto currency mining at this press conference related to mining. advantageous a country he had underlined. However, pointing out that there is a disagreement between the Central Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Finance, Putin said that the parties are at this point. agreement should had stated. According to the latest information, Putin is in favor of bringing cryptocurrency mining under a regulation and making the country a mining paradise. However, how will the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance come to an agreement on this issue? not yet clear.

Could Russia become a mining paradise?

There are no rules regarding cryptocurrency mining in Russia. However, a regulation to be made will change Russia’s place in the crypto money world. completely can change. Because the climate of Russia is quite suitable for cryptocurrency mining. Especially when we consider how cold the weather is for Bitcoin and Ethereum mining, we can say that the country is perfect for cryptocurrency mining. Moreover, Russia’s energy rich It should not be forgotten that it is a country.


FED’s Rate Statement Shatters Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin Crashed

The center of cryptocurrency mining was China until a while ago. But in the past year, that has changed. The Chinese government has banned mining in the country. banned. This led to the relocation of miners from China to Kazakhstan. However, in Kazakhstan a while ago internal confusionThis alarmed the miners. In fact, in a content we have prepared for you on this subject, we have learned how Kazakhstan has become a favorite for mining. we talked about. If Russia allows cryptocurrency mining, all balances in the industry could change. Because passing from Kazakhstan to Russia means that the miners Much easier than moving to countries like the USA. We will see together what awaits the future of mining…

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