Suggestion from Scientists to Stop Global Warming

To combat the effects of global warming, scientists offered a remarkable proposal: to paint 2% of the Earth’s surface white. This proposal seems like an unusual solution to mitigate the effects of climate change. So is such a thing possible?

Jeremy Munday, a professor at the University of California, He suggested that the surfaces reflecting the sun’s rays should be increased in order to reduce the effects of climate change caused by global warming. To this end, he came up with the idea of ​​painting certain regions around the world white.

White surfaces reflect the sun’s rays more, while black or dark surfaces absorb heat more, increasing the temperature in the atmosphere. According to recent research, the earth’s surface is only paint 2% whitecan stop global warming by increasing the reflection of the sun’s rays!

The paint should be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the Earth.

Most of the world is covered by oceans. Even for only 1% of the surface, an average of five hundred billion liters of paint will need to be used. Scientists state that this proposal, which sounds very utopian, is only a temporary solution. However, it is also seen as a very fast and effective solution to combat the effects of global warming. Since the reflection of the sun’s rays will increase with the white dyeing method, the increase in temperature on the earth can also be controlled.

There are also various criticisms of the proposal.


Before such interventions environmental impacts and costs should be evaluated. In addition, painting or coating natural surfaces can potentially damage natural ecosystems and have adverse effects on biodiversity.

In conclusion, This extraordinary proposal to mitigate the effects of global warming, It has been causing controversy among scientists lately. How effective the whitewashing method can be in tackling climate change and its potential risks should be carefully evaluated. Still, such innovative solutions can raise public awareness of global warming and encourage solution-oriented discussions.



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