Stunning Statement About The Company From Former Twitter Executive

Peiter ‘Mudge’ Zatko, the company’s former security chief, who has come to the fore with his claims about Twitter in recent months, made striking statements about the company. The former executive testified to the US Senate that the company puts profit above safety.

One of the most popular social media platforms twitterhas not been on the agenda recently due to Elon Musk’s attempt to buy the platform. Musk first announced that he would buy the company for an astronomical price, and then announced that he gave up on his decision due to reasons such as bot accounts. After that, both parties sued each other.

One of the supporters of Musk’s claims about Twitter is a former senior executive of the company. Peiter ‘Mudge’ Zatko was. Zatko, who worked as Twitter’s head of security from 2020 until January of this year, claimed that the company made misleading statements about bot accounts. Zatko also said that there are serious security problems such as easy access to user data. With these claims, the former executive recently filed a complaint against Twitter with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. As the discussions continued, new statements came from Zatko.

Twitter puts profit above safety, says Zatko

The former security chief, who testified before the US Senate Judiciary Committee, made striking statements on Twitter. Answering the questions, Zatko emphasized that he did not want to harm the company and drew attention to the managers. 51-year-old software developer, executives at Twitter puts profit above safety expressed.

Zatko was also inside the company in a statement that he based on information provided to the company by the FBI. from India and China indicated that at least one agent was working. The manager, who said that he did not know what could be done with the data collected, added that the employees were not satisfied with the money Twitter received from China and that no action was taken to dismiss the specified ‘agents’.

Around 4,000 Twitter employees have access to user data

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