Striking Research: The Country We Live in Makes Us “Narcissistic”!

In psychology, the concept that expresses the personality traits of narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy is called the “Dark Triad”. So this concept is a kind of Bermuda Triangle of psychology!

A recent research, For people living in Australia and Turkey who have personality traits called the Dark Triad. showed significant results.

The research basically focused on people with personality traits within the Dark Triad in the two countries. to compare the density of people and these personality traits Whether there is a difference in terms of gender focuses on detection.

Before moving on to the research results, let’s examine the Dark Triad personality traits.

narcissismcan be explained as admiration for one’s own self. People with narcissistic personality disorder appear to be quite selfish and lacking in empathy.

MachiavellianismIt is a personality disorder characterized by manipulative behavior, exploitation of others, lack of empathy and morality, and ruthlessness.

If it is psychopathyIt is a personality disorder that shows symptoms such as lack of empathy, anti-social behavior and harming other people.

The reason why Australia and Turkey were chosen for the research is that the two countries have some contrasts.

While Australia is the 13th safest country in the world Türkiye ranks 149th in this ranking.

In addition, research wealth inequality It also takes into account differences in economic competitiveness in general.

More economically competitive and difficult conditions While Türkiye ranks 63rd in this ranking; Australia is ranked 134th. In other words, income distribution in Turkey is much more unbalanced than in Australia.

There are four main findings as a result of the research!

Research; country-level differences, perceptions of competitiveness, gender differences, and cross-cultural differences. It examines its findings in four basic categories:

Now let’s examine these findings one by one:

There are more people with Dark Triad personality traits in Turkey than in Australia.

These results under the influence of socio-economic conditions can be explained. In other words, since Turkish participants live in a more competitive and insecure environment, they may tend to have these personality traits in order to adapt to the environment they live in.

Turkish participants perceive their country as a more competitive place compared to Australian participants.

The researchers found this result based on the country-level Dark Triad personality traits among participants. may be shaped by perceptions of competitiveness interprets it as.

In other words, the more competitive individuals view their country, the more Dark Triad personality traits they display. tendency to show exhibits.

It is seen that men show these personality traits more than women.

When the data of men and women participating in the research are compared, more in men than in women It was concluded that he had Dark Triad personality traits.

Researchers found this result with men generally adopting a competitive worldview explains.

As a result of the research, it is stated that having Dark Triad personality traits is also affected by cultural factors.

The study shows that these characteristics are not only due to individual factors, but also cultural and environmental characteristics of the country He also stated that he was impressed.

In other words, in addition to the personal characteristics of individuals, the conditions of the country where individuals grow up and live It also has the power to shape that person’s personality.

In summary, this research; By taking two countries as an example, it reveals important results about the effect of the different conditions of the countries on personality traits.

Included in the sample of the research Türkiye and Australia, As a result of the differences in their conditions, the Dark Triad differs in terms of personality traits.

This research was conducted within a specific sample and interpreted according to the population, there may be exceptions when viewed on a personal basis, and As in every scientific research Let us end our content by reminding that this research also has some limitations.

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