Strange Video from Ruhi Çenet’s Stolen YouTube Channel

A video titled “Congratulations, You Won” was shared from Ruhi Çenet’s stolen YouTube channel. In this video, whose identity is unclear, an e-mail address is requested. Do not try to reach this e-mail address.

Ruhi Çenet, one of Turkey’s most famous YouTubers, has been Hijacking YouTube channel is on the agenda with. Çenet, who said he got the channel back as it was just a few days ago, became a victim of hacking for the third time last night. Although we do not know exactly what is happening, a new development is started to move towards another point is showing.

Recently, a new video was shared from Ruhi Çenet’s stolen YouTube channel. “Congratulations, You WinIn this video titled “”, a video pretending to belong to Ruhi Çenet was shared. In this video, which cannot be understood, an e-mail address is shared and people are asked to contact this address. to reach is wanted.

Don’t believe this video!

Update: The original video has been removed from Ruhi Çenet’s YouTube channel.

In the video shared on Ruhi Çenet’s channel, “[email protected]You are requested to send an e-mail to the address “. Please do not send such an e-mail. If your aim is to make fun of them, open a new e-mail for yourself. If anyone reaches you, do not click on the links they send and do not share your personal information.


Ruhi Çenet Reveals How Much Money She Lost Due to Her YouTube Channel Being Hacked

When we check the Instagram account that Ruhi Çenet actively uses, there is no you didn’t make a statement We see. We will inform you again if there are any new developments regarding the issue.

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