Step Back from FIAT 500: Internal Combustion Engine Returns

Fiat will not make the 500 series, one of its most popular series, only electric.

Fiat’s electric 500e model It has been a topic that has been talked about behind the scenes for a long time that it will not leave it alone and that it will launch an internal combustion version alongside this model. The rumors turned out to be true and Fiat announced that the 500e, which it introduced as an “electric city car”, would also come with an internal combustion engine.

Technically in 500 families Fiat, which has not given up on internal combustion engines, also offered a hybrid power unit option in the previous models of the series. On the other hand, it was expected that the Fiat 500e would initially have a version with only an electric power unit. The features of the new hybrid model are unclear, but it would not be surprising to see a mild hybrid design.

Abarth may also get an internal combustion engine

The fact that the internal combustion engine option will come to cars with the Fiat logo is, of course, exciting. Abarths, known for their higher performance It has also translated. Until the previous models, Abarth also appeared with hybrid vehicles using internal combustion engines.

In the electric car market Automotive manufacturers are changing their plans one by one due to reasons such as the slowdown and the infrastructure for charging not being at a satisfactory level yet. There are also many people who think that electric cars will not be popular and will be replaced by internal combustion engine vehicles. Let’s see how much demand the electric models and internal combustion models of the 500, one of Fiat’s best-selling models, will be in. Thus, it will be easier to make predictions about the future of electric cars by comparing the sales performances of two vehicles under relatively equal conditions with the general market situation.


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