Step Back From Binance’s European Decision: 7 Cryptocurrencies Will Not Be Delisted!

The world’s largest crypto exchange Binance has revised its decision to delist 12 cryptocurrencies in EU member states, which provide anonymity and transaction privacy.

Binance has decided to delist 12 different privacy-providing altcoins from selected EU countries. have revised explained. Announcing that 7 cryptocurrencies have been delisted within the scope of the revision, Binance has only 5 different cryptocurrencies He stressed that he would have to be delisted.

In the first statement made by the stock market at the end of May, Decred (DCR), Dash (DASH), Zcash (ZEC), Horizon (ZEN), PIVX (PIVX), Navcoin (NAV), Secret (SCRT), Verge (XVG), FIRO, Beam (BEAM), Monero (XMR) And MobileCoin (MOB) Under EU compliance policies 26 JuneIt was stated that it would be delisted in .

But made revision and adaptation studies next DCR, SCRT, XVG, NAV, ZEC, DASH And PIVX The delist step for cryptocurrencies has been reverted. In this direction, only ZEN, FIRO, XMR, BEAMAnd MOB delist will be.

The delist transaction in the 5 cryptocurrencies in question France, Italy, Spain And Poland will be specific to users and users in other EU countries will not be affected.

According to a Binance spokesperson, feedback from the community It was announced that the following decision was made:

After carefully considering feedback from our community and various projects, we reviewed how we would classify privacy coins on our platform to comply with EU-wide regulatory requirements.

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