Statement from Samsung about the Notification Panel Bug

Samsung stated that it will fix the bug that keeps opening the notification panel in an irrelevant way.

Already one of the biggest players in the smartphone market with its latest smartphones, SamsungIt wouldn’t be wrong to say that it was a pioneer in seeing artificial intelligence applications on phones. Because the South Korean technology giant has included many useful features in phones with Galaxy AI. Of course, this is part of the broader One UI 6.1 interface.

Although the update brought many innovations, users noticed a problem that came with the update and suddenly undermined the user experience. complaining about the mistake. The error in question manifests itself in the notification panel and makes it difficult to interact with notifications coming to the phone.

When I try to check the notification, the notification panel opens.

Even though it is a small thing, this error, which annoys the user as it repeats, occurs unrelatedly, for example, when you receive a message and you touch the notification to look at its details. opening the notification panel It causes. This undermines device usage and user experience.

As the complaints increase Samsung community managers, said that they are aware of the problem and are working on it. The team wanted users to make sure that they made updates during this process and stated that they would soon share the software that will solve the problem. Similarly, users had previously received feedback that a green line appeared on their phone screens. Have you experienced a similar situation?


Update Didn’t Work: “Green Line” Problem Appeared on the Screen of Some Samsung Phones

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