Statement from HasanAbi About Twitch That Was Insensitive to Earthquake

Turkish Twitch broadcaster Hasan Abi, who mostly broadcasts in English, made harsh statements about foreign broadcasters’ insensitivity to the earthquake in Kahramanmaraş during his broadcast last night.

As of the writing of this news we lost at least 30 thousand citizens We are on the eighth day of Kahramanmaraş earthquakes. While the search and rescue efforts in the region continue, material and moral support for Turkey continues at full speed from all over the world.

However, some internet users, a mass of people against the earthquake. not showing enough sense it states. This audience is one of the most popular live streaming platforms in the world. Twitch. One user even discussed this issue with one of Twitch’s most popular names. Hasan brother discussed with. During the live broadcast “Why are foreign publishers insensitive to this disaster, are they human?Responding to the user who sent a message “, HasanAbi, in a very striking statement found.

“You are not human in their eyes”

Hasan Abi’s statement on the subject was as follows:They are human and you are not human to them. This is true right. Muslim country at the end of the day. It’s hard for Americans to see this as human. when i live this here I see with my own eyes…”

Here is HasanAbi’s statement about foreign Twitch broadcasters:

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