Stake OCD to Earn DEVT with Jumpstart Mining!

OKEx Jumpstart Mining, 7 December 2021 09:00will start at. OCD holders will be able to stake OKB to earn DEVT.

Staking Rules

Token to be staked OCD
Token to be earned DEVT
Total amount of tokens to be mined 1.500.000 DEVT
Mining time 7 December at 09:00 – 10 December at 09:00
per person min. staking amount
per person max. staking amount 1,000 OCD
Total stake cap
Staking time Flexible
KYC requirement Level 2 KYC required
Processing opening date of the mined token December 10, 2021, follow the announcements for a possible update

Rules for Calculation of Stakes Rewards

1. Stake rewards are DEVT tokens obtained by participating in OKEx Jumpstart Mining. Stakes rewards are calculated in real time and can be refunded at any time.

2. Hourly User Rewards = Personal OCD staked / Total OCD staked * Calculated as newly released tokens per hour.

For example: If the user staked OKB is 100 and the total OKB staked at that time is 100,000 and the newly released DEVT per hour is 10,000:

The user’s hourly rewards will be = 100/100,000*10,000 = 10 DEVTs.

3. Once the project confirms the DEVT on-chain transfer time, OKEx will post a new announcement for the DEVT deposit, withdrawal and trading dates.

Stake and Unstake Guide

1. Staking process:

Step 1: Before starting the mining process, transfer your OKBs to your Funding Account in advance;

Step 2: Login to OKEx official website and Click on “Financial Services” – “Jumpstart” tabs respectively;

Step 3: After the mining process starts, click the “Stake” button, enter the amount of OKB you want to use in the process and confirm.

2. Rollback process:

Step 1: Click on the “Harvest” button to receive the stake rewards that will be distributed to the Funding Accounts.

Step 2: Click the “Unstake” button to release the OCDs you have locked for mining at any time. Deposited OKBs will be automatically returned to your Funding Account.

What is DEVT?

DeHorizon aims to be the next generation metaverse gaming ecosystems that allow players to create, socialize and have fun with their friends on blockchain-based games. DeHorizon metaverse’s long-term vision is to create a virtual experience open to all metaverse residents across multiple chains, allowing players to enjoy a second life.

Other important considerations

1. Only OKBs in the Funding Account can be used for staking. Please transfer your OCDs to your Funding Account in advance. Staked OCDs are locked and can be released at any time. Unstacked OCDs can be viewed in the Funding Account.

2. After mining is complete, the remaining unstacked OKBs will be released automatically. Uncollectible rewards (Harvest) will be automatically transferred to the Funding Account.

3. Sub-accounts cannot participate in this event.

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