Squid Game Season Two Theories That Captivated The Internet

The open-ended season finale of Squid Game brought many question marks to mind. Interesting theories about a possible second season continue to be shared on various platforms. Some of these seem pretty logical.

You certainly have theories about how a possible sequel to Netflix’s South Korean production will continue. Especially behind the games. surprise name After seeing it, the number of question marks in our minds increased even more.

First reddit Interesting theories continue to fly in the air on many websites. Here are some fan theories about a possible sequel:

Note: Let’s remind you that there are spoilers for those who have not watched the series!

Theory 1: Our protagonist, Gi-hun, will put an end to everything by trying to radically end the games.

gi-hunAfter the games, he could not find what he hoped for in life. His mother, who was the reason for participating in the games, died, so he could not see the good of the grand prize. Now Gi-hun has a much bigger goal, to prevent people from being treated like a “race horse”.

Just as the number 001 represents the person who started the games, number 456 may represent the person who will bring the end of the games (apart from representing the prize amount). So this trick actually seems to hint at the actual finale of the series.

Theory 2: You must have noticed that Squid Game is somewhat reminiscent of the Hunger Games series. Games in the style of the series can also come to the series.

squid game hunger games

Many elements such as the impressive alliances in The Hunger Games, sadistic audiences with weird costumes were also present in Squid Game. In the second book in the series, “Catining the Fire” games where champions compete It is said that a similar situation may occur in the second season of the series. Maybe this way, it can be revealed that there is a bigger secret behind the games.

Theory 3: Jun-ho was shot and dropped into the ocean after revealing the identity of his older brother In-ho. There was a thought that he was dead, but the truth of the matter may not be like that.

squid game theories

Because older brother In-ho had also escaped from the same place a few scenes ago. Two siblings suffer similar injuriesmay be a sign that the screenwriters give to the audience. If Jun-ho did indeed survive and return to the island, the effects in the second season would be huge.

Theory 4: Gi-hun can switch sides and become a personality like In-ho.

squid game

No information was given about In-ho’s transformation. What happened to him could also happen to Gi-hun. After all, he was a very kind and smiling character, but he turned into a completely different person in the season finale. Series creator Dong-hyuk also revealed that the character’s new style “that old Gi-hun is gone forever and symbolizes the new Gi-hun’s anger” had explained. Perhaps this anger will steer him in a different direction.

Theory 5: The clues about the second season may be hidden in the colors. Colors have meaning in Korean culture, as one fan noted.

meanings of squid game colors

cyan, people; magenta pink, systems; yellow it represents money. Front Man wears a black mask because he is a tricolor mix. Red blood presents the relationship between the system and money. According to this theory, Gi-hun’s new hair could mean he’s part of the system, and theory 4 is more likely to happen.

Some theories about the second season are like this, but no official statement has yet been made about whether the series will continue or not. So what are your second season theories?

Source: Lost Dock, Bustle, Reddit

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