Square Enix Sold 3 Studios for Nothing!

Gaming giant Square Enix has reached an agreement with Embracer Group to sell its 3 studios. While everyone was shocked by the abnormally low price of the deal, Square Enix also shared the reason why it took such a move.

While we continue to see big purchases and sales in the game world day by day, a new one has been added to these today. Japan-based Square Enix, the giant name of the game world, is a Swedish-based publisher with three game studios that have brought many popular series and games to our lives. sold to Embracer Group explained.

According to the shared press release, Embracer Group (formerly THQ Nordic) is part of Square Enix. Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montréal and Square Enix Montréal bought their studio. In return for the purchase in question only $300 million was declared. With the purchase, all the rights of some giant productions passed into the hands of the Embracer Group.

The rights to all of the studios’ games have passed to Embracer Group:

Embracer Group acquires Crystal Dynamics all rights to the new Tomb Raider trilogy took it in his hand. However, with Eidos Montréal, the company is the classic of the gaming world. Deus Ex series and Square Enix Montréal, it also acquired the rights to mobile and PC games such as Hitman Go, Hitman: Sniper, Deus Ex Go and Lara Croft Go.

Square Enix is ​​turning to blockchain:

Square Enix also clarified why it decided to sacrifice these three studios in the statement it shared. The company believes that the $300 million revenue it will generate will “provide new business start-ups and in areas such as blockchain, artificial intelligence and cloud announced that they will move forward with investments”.

Embracer Group will develop new games

Embracer Group, the new owner of the three studios, also shared some news that will delight the players. Company, good news of a new Tomb Raider game gave. The purchase is also for Deus Ex fans. a new Deus Ex game made him wait. On the other hand, the fate of The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy games developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix has not been announced yet.


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