Spoiler Explosion For No Way Home

Spider-Man: No Way Home, which is expected even more than previous Marvel films, has become the new king of the internet with its premiere. But this kingdom has unfortunately been used maliciously by some who want to spoil all your taste with it, who want to be surprised and resist your excitement. Spoilers have become the vegetation of the internet.

The moment we’ve been waiting for so long has now arrived. There are a million theories about it, behind-the-scenes footage has been shared, but what we expect from the trailers that have been released is the one that doesn’t show the three Peter Parkers. Spider-Man: No Way Home, hits theaters on Friday. But like every Marvel movie, we can’t avoid spoilers from this movie.

Spider-Man: No Way Home premiered in Los Angeles yesterday. Of course, the final version of the film was shown to the audience for the first time at the gala. The members of the press who watched the movie shared their opinions about the movie casually, without giving any spoilers (it would be more accurate to say). However, some of the people who attended the premiere and saw the movie instead fulfilled the task given to them. ‘some’ highlights of the movie They viewed and shared while they were in the hall.

The bloodless army is back, spoiling the surprise, the internet is spoiler-proof:

Of course we won’t share what these ‘some’ highlights are. However, we will not provide images. Why miss out on the most anticipated movie of recent times? We have lost our taste, so you should not. However, although we do not provide the images at the moment, it is useful to be warned about one thing: Every time you enter social media, danger bells will be ringing.

With the premiere, Spider-Man: No Way Home became the #1 world agenda on Twitter, full of spoilers. On Reddit, the movies, Marvel and Spider-Man groups became impenetrable to spoilers. Even when you are on YouTube, if you have watched something about Spider-Man lately, unfortunately, certain images may have started to appear on your discover page. If you don’t want spoilers, use the internet very carefully or not at all. If the first three letters of something are ‘Spi’ just scroll down the page.


  • Figure A: What to do to those who share spoilers

Now we have a request from you: If you are curious and watch these images, do not help the spread of the images. Let us live Let’s save the excitement for the movie theater. Let’s wait and rejoice together, let’s talk. There’s no point in seeing certain footage without contextualizing the movie, right? Let’s also remind the following message given by Sony:

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