Spiders May Dream Just Like Us

A study of jumping spider species in Germany revealed that spiders may also be dreaming in their sleep, just like humans.

8-legged little creatures that are a phobia for some, aka spiders they have many great features. With a new study, these little creatures are the same as us (thought to be at least) another feature has emerged.

in an experiment conducted in Germany. jumping spider in their sleep just like humans they may be dreaming appeared. Let’s take a look at the details of the experiment together.

Spiders also enter the REM sleep stage

As you know in people’s sleep ‘REM sleep’ There is a process called REM stands for ‘Rapid Eye Movement’. When people enter this process in their sleep, this is observable from the outside. pupils, moves under the eyelid.

REM sleep is the stage of sleep in which people dream. Researchers studying jumping spiders at the University of Konstanz in Germany found that these species also enter the REM sleep stage, just like humans.


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Of course, this doesn’t necessarily prove that spiders dream just like us. However, another factor observed by scientists strengthens this possibility: Leg contractions. When people dream, they often experience various contractions in their limbs. Researchers found that jumping spiders observed that they had similar limb spasms.

So the researchers’ thinking is that spiders are most likely dreaming. If spiders are indeed dreaming, what do you think they are seeing? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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