Source of Mysterious Signal Revealed

In 2019, a radio signal presumed to come from the closest star to the Sun was received. This signal, which was supposed to come from aliens, raised the possibility of life on another planet. It was seen by scientists that the signal did not repeat with the observations made after the event. With two articles published in the scientific journal Nature Astronomy, it was reported that the signals were of human origin.

Breakthrough Listen, a research project developed to search for communications from extraterrestrials in the universe, began in 2016. Since then, using telescopes around the world, possible alien civilizations by listening, a different living environment in space a resource for astronomers seeking

Although the Breakthrough Listen project has so far encountered radio interference on Earth mostly from sources such as telephone towers and aircraft radar, the source is unknown. millions radio signal received. But in 2019, radio signals were received that were different from the previous ones, which got astronomers excited.

It turned out that the signals were of human origin

In 2019, a group of astronomers at Parkes Observatory in Australia found a very different approximation to the others. 982 megahertz, lasting 5 hours recorded a signal around. The closest solar system to the sun, 4.24 light-years away from Proxima Centauri thought to come. A planet in this star system was predicted to be a habitable zone. In fact, a technology startup that works to search for life in space called Breakthrough Starshot aims to send a small spacecraft to this planet in the future. That’s why the aforementioned signal excited the scientific community. Signal astronomers looking for life in space “techno-signature” It looked like a form he called The researchers observed in November 2020, January 2021 and April 2021 to get the signal again. When the obtained data were compared, it was concluded that all signals were interference. As a result of the investigations, it became clear that the signals were of human origin.


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With articles published in the journal Nature Astronomy, it was announced that the signal did not come from aliens. One of the researchers, Sofia Sheikh, said:This is probably what happens in technologies on the Earth’s surface. anthropogenic was a radio interference“He said. Jason Wright, an astronomer from Pennsylvania State University, stated that such signals are needed so that one can learn how to deal with aliens. Ravi Kopparapu, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, underlined the necessity of conducting such studies. , “The universe gives us a haystack, we need to find the needle in it, and because what we really found is a needle we need to make sure.” said.

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