Sony PlayStation VR2 Coming in Q1 2023

Sony has announced a few features and release date of PS VR2, which will be the next series of PlayStation VR headset.

When it comes to VR headset, PlayStation does not come to mind first because the first VR headset of the console did not have remarkable features. Earlier this year, Sony announced PS VR2, which will be the next product of PlayStation VR, but it didn’t mention a release date or features.

With Sony’s latest statement, the release date of PlayStation VR2 has been announced, although not exactly. Let’s take a look at the announced features of PS VR2, which will be released in the first quarter of 2023.

PlayStation VR2 has USB-C connectivity

Although the company revealed the details of the VR2 design earlier this year, it still has not announced a price. PlayStation VR2 4K resolution, 90 or 120 Hz screen refresh rate, 110 degree field of view and will offer features such as foveated rendering that creates certain sections.

Among the information given, PlayStation’s new VR set VR2 Has USB-C connection is also included. According to Sony, the PlayStation VR2 comes with it. It will debut with 20 big games. Among these big games are the VR versions of No Man’s Sky and Resident Evil Village.


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Unlike the first PlayStation VR headset, PS VR2 is similar to Quest 2, where the cameras in the headset are responsible for motion tracking, rather than using a camera connected to your console to track your movements. will use inside-out monitoring. So you will be able to see your surroundings while wearing the PS VR2 headset.

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