Solana Labs Launches Solana Pay to Offer Payments in Cryptocurrency

Solana (SOL), one of the best performers last year, announced that it has launched Solana Pay to enable companies to receive payments directly in cryptocurrencies.

With the newly launched Solana Pay, companies will be able to accept USDC stabecoin, Solana’s native token SOL, and Solana blockchain-based tokens. Stating that the transactions will take place instantly, Solana Labs said that businesses that want to provide the service will receive “real-time” payments.

Sheraz Shere, head of payments at Solana Labs volatility of cryptocurrencies In his statement about it:

If users can transact just like with cash, we believe this will increase interest. That’s why it’s designed to allow developers to build on it and create new experiences.


The Chairman also stated that they benefited from Solana’s high efficiency and low cost:

Although Solana pay will offer seamless payments to Web3 users in the Solana ecosystem, we believe this protocol will be “transformative” for the physical payments ecosystem.

made statements.

In the development of Solana Labs Circle,, Citcon, Phantom, FTX and Slobe reported to have contributed. Circle, the payments companies receive nominal to the money with an account that they can translate USDC acceptance will enable it. Phantom is Solana Pay app transaction via to be made will allow.

Also, for Solana Labs to receive payments in cryptocurrencies totrade company Shopify with meeting was said to be.

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