Social Media Reactions to the 2023 Minimum Wage

The minimum wage for 2023 was announced as 8,500 TL with an increase of 50 percent. So what do experts and citizens think about this fee? Here are the reactions from social media…

The net minimum wage of 2023, which all of Turkey is eagerly waiting for 8.500 TL declared as. The net minimum wage received by the employee, together with this increase. 54.54% rate increased. The new minimum wage became the agenda of all of Turkey.

With the announcement of the minimum wage, the main topic of social media was the minimum wage. Well, about the new minimum wage What do citizens and experts think?

Reactions to the 2023 minimum wage:

minimum wage

minimum wage

minimum wage

minimum wage

So what do the experts say?

minimum wage

minimum wage

minimum wage

minimum wage

minimum wage


What are the positive and negative sides of a sudden increase in the minimum wage?

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