In view of the climate and Ukraine crisis, billions are flowing into research into new technologies worldwide.
(Photo: dpa, BASE, GAO [M])
Dusseldorf, Berlin With the shutdown of the last three nuclear power plants in Germany, not only is the era of nuclear energy over. Many fear that the future of nuclear research is also in doubt. “We are cutting off a whole branch of research and don’t even know what else can come in ten or twenty years,” warned Eon supervisory board chairman Karl-Ludwig Kley recently in the Handelsblatt.
While the end of nuclear power is “irreversible” in Germany, according to Economics Minister Robert Habeck, billions are flowing into research into new technologies in other countries, also in view of the climate and Ukraine crises.
One example is nuclear fusion. Their supporters hope that this will provide them with permanently available electricity and almost entirely without radioactive waste. According to the Fusion Industry Association (FIA), a total of $4.8 billion was invested in the field over two years. Last year alone, $2.8 billion was added.
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