Snippets from Turkey: Bitcoin Hijackers Caught!

A new one has been added to the crypto money scams in Turkey. DA’s Bitcoin (BTC) was extorted in Alanya district of Antalya. However, the culprits were caught shortly after the incident. We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

New hit: DA’s Bitcoins (BTC) were extorted!

Today, a crypto money theft in Turkey is on the agenda. According to the news of Sabah, Antalya’s Alanya District Police Department Public Security Bureau teams, a luxury jeep from OP, a foreign national residing in a villa in Tepe Mahallesi, 50 thousand dollars, 600 liras, and the market value of DA is approximately 500 thousand dollars. He took action after the extortion of 100 thousand dollars with 10 Bitcoins. After the incident, the stolen jeep was found parked.

Detecting that the hijackers were gangs of 12 people from the Chechen Republic, the security teams said that the suspects GM, SA, CM, RK departed abroad, IB and KU were in Antalya, SA and DI were in Istanbul, DA, FK. determined that SR and AP were in Mahmutlar Neighborhood of Alanya. 6 suspects in Antalya and Alanya were caught in the operation carried out simultaneously to 5 addresses. Six suspects were sent to the courthouse, arrested and sent to prison.

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