Smart Money Entered These 3 Altcoin Projects While Leaving Bitcoin!

Bitcoin (BTC)-based investment products and altcoin-based products face strong competition, according to cryptocurrency data company CryptoCompare. However, it has been attracting a serious investment flow in altcoins lately. We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

CryptoCompare: These 2 altcoin products performed very well!

CryptoCompare says in a new report that investment products based on Litecoin (LTC) and Solana (SOL) offer better returns than products based on BTC in the 30-day period up to November 19. CryptoCompare made the following statements on the subject:

Solana and Litecoin-based products led by ASOL 21Shares (Solana-based product) and LTCN Grayscale (Litecoin-based product) outperformed BTC-based investment products, yielding 22.0% and 14.9% returns, respectively.

CryptoCompare: Saved profit with Ethereum and Solana-based product compared to BTC!

CryptoCompare says that Bitcoin-based investment products recorded losses during the same period, while products based on the popular altcoin Ethereum and Solana recorded profits. CryptoCompare made the following statements on the subject:

BTC-based products have experienced losses ranging from 6% to 13% in the last 30 days, while gains ranging from 0.5% to 7% for ETH products have been seen in ETH products. 21Shares’ ASOL ETN had the biggest gain of 22%…

Analyst: This Altcoin Will Drop, Then Rise!

CryptoCompare: Altcoins’ AUM is rising while Bitcoin is falling!

The report also highlights that the level of assets under management (AUM) for Bitcoin has seen a significant monthly decrease, while AUM for other cryptocurrencies has increased. CryptoCompare made the following statements on the subject:

Bitcoin AUM fell 9.5% to $48.7 billion in November, making its biggest monthly pullback since July. Meanwhile, Ethereum and other cryptocurrency products saw their AUMs rise 5.4% to $16.6 billion and 10.4% to $2.6 billion, respectively.

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