Site That Makes You Feel Like You’re In The Middle Of The Ocean

We have a suggestion for a pleasant website that will be good for our ears that hear nothing but city noise during the day. This website, where you can control the sounds according to your personal taste, will make you feel in the middle of the ocean.

Noise pollution and the sounds we are used to hearing in city life psychology and general health There are many studies on its negative effects on The general conclusion reached by these researches is that the city noise and this huge pollution, which is now normal for many of us, is not very good for us; that it harms our health and psychology.

In addition, sounds from nature such as the sound of rain, the sound of the sea, the sound of waterfalls reduces stress level and there are studies that even reduce the severity of some pains. Of course, it is best to listen to these sounds during a nature walk, but even listening to the recordings is known to work. We have come to you with a website proposal that may be very good in this regard.

VirtOcean brings you sounds from a calm day or a stormy moment:

There are very few people who would not be comfortable listening to the sound of the waves at a seaside. VirtOceanIf you are not one of those people, it offers you a pleasant experience with the sounds it offers. Moreover, it is quite simple to use.


World Tour in Front of a Computer: A Website That Allows You to Travel Every Corner of the World the Way You Want

All you have to do is click here and visit the website. Then choose the ones you want from the categories offered to you. your own special sound you can create. In addition to the ocean sounds, you can also add options such as seagulls, a boat moving in the water or the sound of corals under the water, and you can also set the volume of all the sounds you include. Finally, it must We recommend listening with headphones.. Enjoyable listening.

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