Significant Success from 3 Metaverse Coin Projects: $1 Billion Exceeded!

Metaverse coins remain one of the most popular categories for cryptocurrencies. Sandbox, Decentraland and WAX are currently the top three most traded Metaverse coin projects on the market, with each trading volume exceeding $1 billion in the last 24 hours. we take a closer look at SAND, MANA and WAX.

3 popular metaverse coins

Decentraland (MANA). Decentraland has a virtual universe complete with dozens of experiences that allow players to buy land and earn money, play various games and earn real money by joining the ecosystem. Decentraland, which went public in February 2020, has one of the most robust ecosystems with multiple successful platforms built on top of it. At the time of writing, Decentraland’s MANA was trading at $3.71 with a 24-hour trading volume of $1.03 billion.

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Worldwide Asset eXchange (WAX) describes itself as the world’s most proven and environmentally friendly blockchain for NFTs, video games and collectibles. At the time of writing, WAX had over 400k daily visitors, 15+ million daily transactions, 8+ million WAX accounts and 30k+ dApps. At the time of writing, WAX is trading at $0.608, up over 24% in the last 24 hours. It has a market cap of $1.1 billion and a 24-hour trading volume of $1.29 billion.

Sandbox (SAND). The highest traded cryptocurrency for today is The Sandbox, which continues to dominate the charts and increase in price. One of the best designed Metaverse projects on the market right now. It has a downloadable PC client that offers unmatched graphics and smoothness compared to other Metaverse projects on the market. At the time of writing, SAND is trading at $5.37 with a 24-hour trading volume of $1.7 billion. It has a market cap of $4.9 billion and a circulating supply of 913 million SAND.

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