Shocking Details in Cryptocurrency Emphasis in Turkey!

Recently, striking details have emerged about an Istanbul-based cryptocurrency hoax. Ahmet D., nicknamed ‘By Hünkar’, is among the allegations that he forced Çağla Çağlayan, who became pregnant from TikTok phenomenon Arslan Bey, to drink medicine in return for 13 million liras and abort her baby…

TikTok cryptocurrency hoax: Incredible details revealed

Istanbul Police Department Anti-Cybercrime Branch teams started an investigation, suspecting the conversations in some publications during their work on TikTok accounts. As a result of the investigations, clues emerged about the publications where fraud and TikTok’s security vulnerability were in question.

Police teams checked more than 4,000 bank accounts during the investigations. Of these, a cash flow of 1.2 billion lira was detected. During the research, it turned out that the people who sent money were in agreement with TikTok phenomena. It was also noted that many of them were involved in fraud.

TikTok’s currency “coin” was used

Realizing that TikTok’s virtual currency called “coins” can be returned, some people took coins with stolen or duplicate credit cards and sent them to the phenomenon. Phenomenons transferred the tokens they received to the designated accounts. They then distributed the tokens in their account. However, it turned out that when TikTok wanted the coins distributed by the phenomena back, they returned it by paying from the accounts of the phenomena.

The police determined that the flow of money took place between contracted persons. When it was determined that TikTok had inflicted 1.2 billion liras of damage, it organized an operation against the suspects. Within the scope of the operation, 120 people were detained, including phenomena.

Crypto scam phenomena revealed

During the investigation process, it was determined that Mustafa Daşdemir, who used the alias ‘Ateşoğlu’, led the organization. However, it turned out that he made a deal with the phenomena. The suspects gave coins to the phenomenon with stolen credit cards, mostly foreign nationals. Then the refund of the tokens paid in large amounts was requested. The phenomena that received the token transferred the money to the accounts directed by Daşdemir.

13 million TL from another phenomenon for miscarriage

Allegedly, Ahmet D. threatened Çağla Çağlayan, the partner of TikTok phenomenon Arslan Bey, with a gun. He also forced her to abort her baby by forcefully taking medication. In this shocking incident, it was revealed that Ahmet D. received 13 million liras from a woman named Tubakko, a TikTok phenomenon, to abort the baby. Çağla Çağlayan talked about her horror on live broadcast and stated that she would apply to the police and file a complaint about the suspects. On the air, Çağlayan said, “By Hünkar, you are the murderer of my baby with a clear arm. You killed my baby by putting a pill under my tongue” and expressed his anger towards Ahmet D.

Interior Minister reports cryptocurrency scams As we have reported, Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya gave details about a TikTok scam.

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