“Ship Cats” to the High Seas with Crew

Known for their water-hating, cats were surprisingly aboard ships from the moment humans set sail. They were the mascots of the ships, among their many uses on voyages.

Cats were quite well adapted to marine life, and their from spreading around the world The sailors were largely responsible.

Both because of superstitions and because of the benefits they provide. accompanying every moment of the sailors these mascots also gave them emotional support.

They thought that cats were the most effective remedy against unwanted creatures on board.

Rats and pests; It was a big problem as crews ruined their food, chewed their equipment, and spread disease. Considering the possibilities of the 19th century, most effective solution they were cats.

US government, for protection from mice, He began buying cats in the 19th century and supplying them to the US Navy. Also in the UK, during the First World War, thousands of stray cats were collected from the cities and given to the army.

They believed that cats could control the weather with their tails.


Early sailors said that when cats’ tails moved in a certain way, they were angry and soon that will fall on the ship they thought it signaled a violent storm.

The crew began to monitor all the movements of the cats on their ships and observed their unusual behavior. as a storm warning he saw. In short, cats; They were small, furry barometers.

Cats were also the source of many superstitions.


It was believed that if a cat boarded a ship, it was a lucky charm. On the other hand, if there is a cat that decides to leave the hemisphere before going out to sea, it is a will lead to disaster they were thinking.

In fact, if they see two cats fighting on the pier; an angel and a devil It meant that the crew began to fight for their souls and their fates were sealed.

Cats also boosted the morale of seafarers who were homesick on long voyages.


Seafarers far from their homeland and their families, of course, needed love. If cats taking on this task gave them mutual love.

Moreover, since they are mascots loved by all sailors building bonds between crew they also helped.

After the end of the Second World War, the special position held by cats on naval ships began to decline rapidly.


Due to advances in mouse and pest control; of cats, which is to deworm ships the fashion of their primary business passed.

Cat-hating ship captains have begun to classify them as an ‘unnecessary distraction’, and now cats sleep on our pillows. assets on board gradually deleted.


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