Shiba Inu Announces Massive Partnership: Here are the Details…

In the current market decline, there is news that will make Shiba Inu (SHIB) investors happy. Shytoshi Kusama, one of the developer team of the meme token, heralded a major NFT partnership in his tweet thread yesterday. However, the details and the date are not given…

Shiba Inu announces partnership with giant brand As we reported, Shiba Inu’s mysterious developer, Shytoshi Kusama, said that if an agreement is reached, huge news for the meme token is at the door. The tweets now apparently contain minor spoilers, with implications such as “we’re preparing the pitch now” and “it looks like I’d better learn Italian”. According to the announcement, Shiba Inu is partnering with luxury Italian car brand Lamborghini.

While Lamborghini has yet to make a press release regarding the partnership with the meme token, an NFT launch with the hashtag “ToTheMoon” appears on its Twitter account. In the 21-second video released Jan 20, “Our first NFT is coming. Get ready. NFTPRO” it says. SHIB leader Shytoshi Kusama has previously reported on Twitter that he has stated that he has forwarded a great idea to the Shiba Inu Core Team that could shake up the crypto market if agreed upon. The meme token also keeps the community alive with “big surprises” planned for 2022.

The SHIB developer tweeted sharing the big preparations in the Shiba Inu ecosystem. It looks like the meme community wants to do major work in the NFT space. In a question-and-answer session in December, Discord moderator Queenie hinted that big surprises await in 2022, without giving too much detail. After the new year, when the community asked what the surprise was up to, Queenie said the announcement remained “inbound” and the team was working on it as quickly as possible.

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