SHIB, Ripple, LINK and These 4 Altcoins Announce Giant News!

The latest hype surrounding the NFT market is ApeCoin (APE), which is listed on almost all major cryptocurrency exchanges. While the APE price continued to trade around $13 after peaking at $40, Ripple’s recommendation to Arab central banks as the “Future of CBDC” was among the developments in the altcoin market. In this article, let’s list the most critical altcoin developments of the week along with SHIB and LINK.

Current developments from SHIB, Ripple, LINK and 4 altcoin projects

  • Launchpad platform Pool Finance has announced a collaboration with travel firm Both organizations will partner to integrate Poolz Finance’s cryptocurrency (POOLZ) into Travala’s network.
  • Following the Polygon network outage, a hard fork will be implemented at Blockchain project Heimdall that will upgrade the system to v0.2.
  • Cryptocurrency exchange Kraken has announced that it will list Internet Computer (ICP), which is trading at 98% below the ATH price.
  • Ripple has announced that it will provide developers with one billion XRP financing. Developer funding will incentivize open source projects on the XRP ledger built to support corporate remittances.
  • In other news from Ripple, an advisory group from Arab Monetary listed RippleNet as a direct alternative to SWIFT. Other developments include advising Arab central banks to develop “messaging protocols” using systems such as SWIFT GPI and significantly RippleNet.

ApeCoin (APE), the Bored Apes Yacht Club (BAYC)-backed cryptocurrency, experienced a 40% price increase after being listed on Binance, Coinbase, Huobi, Kraken, OKX, Bybit, FTX and Paribu is added to exchanges that list the APE token. Domestic cryptocurrency exchange ApeCoin (APE) opened its transactions at 15:00 today. You can find the Apecoin guide we have prepared here.

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