Sharp Fall in Borsa Istanbul

Borsa Istanbul lost around 7 percent on the last trading day of the week. The hard sell-off that started at noon led to the application of circuit breakers twice. 98 companies in BIST 100 lost value in this decrease…

Despite the economic conditions in Turkey, it has quite good indicators. Borsa Istanbul, unfortunately suffered a hard break today. The downtrend, which started as of 14:00, shows that BIST 100 around 7 percent depreciated, causing it to regress to 2120 levels. Borsa İstanbul officials, who took action to stop the declines, they had to apply circuit breaker twice

The first circuit breaker applied at 16:24 continued for half an hour. transactions in the stock market, as of 16:54 started again. However, due to the deepening of the drop, the circuit breaker was applied once again. In the statements made on the subject, the transactions as of 17:24 It was stated that it would start again.

The latest situation in the BIST 100 index:

As a matter of fact, BIST 100 was experiencing the brightest days of its history in the last period. Reaching a new record every day, the index renewed its record this morning. But the sudden hard salesThis led to a reversal of the needles in Borsa Istanbul. When we look at the stock status of the companies in the BIST 100 index, We see that there is a decrease in the shares of 98 companies.


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What is a circuit breaker?

Indexed Circuit Breaker System The application known as Borsa İstanbul momentarily It comes into play when it reaches 5 percent and 7 percent. The system, which prevents the investor from selling in panic, Provides greater protection from harm. This situation also temporarily relieves the selling pressure on the stocks of companies. suspended he gets

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