Semiconductor support to Russia: New contract for supply is on the way!

Undoubtedly, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine had repercussions all over the world. Political and commercial sanctions in response to the human tragedy continue to complicate the situation for Russia and the Russian people. The Kremlin, which is in a bottleneck in every way, continues to look for ways out.

A new move in the battle against the semiconductor crisis: A huge fund has been allocated!

The semiconductor crisis is showing its effects all over the world. Large investments continue to overcome this problem. Spain is next.

Malaysia to supply semiconductors to Russia

Everyone knows the great importance of semiconductors in any field of technology production. On the other hand, the global chip crisis, which has made its impact evident all over the world, puts all companies engaged in technology production into difficulties. In addition to all this embargo deluge, Russia is also entering a serious bottleneck in its semiconductor supplies. However, the country is finding new exits, albeit limited.

In this regard, Russia’s most trusted name was China. However, chip imports from China do not adequately meet the country’s requirements. In addition, the commercial relationship experienced during this time was not welcomed by the rest of the world. A new helping hand is coming to Russia, which is looking for new resources.

Apparently, Malaysia rolled up its sleeves to supply electronics and semiconductors to Russia during the country’s invasion of Ukraine. Bala Chandran Tharman, Malaysia’s Ambassador to Russia, approved this trade agreement. On the other hand, Bala Chandran did not provide information on the extent of the ongoing talks at the government level.

After the start of the war, many technology companies took a tough stance by suspending their commercial ties with Russia. Among these disconnected sectors is the semiconductor sector, which is already in a major crisis. So much so that big companies such as Intel and AMD had already stopped their exports to Russia in the past months.

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