Sell ​​These and Get Gold! Because…

When you get to the bottom of the matter, stock, gold price and market forecasts are just a glorified form of fortune telling. While fundamental analysis is a more educated form of forecasting, it still forecasts. Why not just get rid of all the lies and get fully into astrology? The Astrology Fund does just that. The fund’s managing director, Henry Weingarten, uses fundamental and technical analysis, but adds astrology as an extra component to his forecasts. He admits he doesn’t get surprises every Sunday, but tries to get 30% of surprises, which is ‘enough to make a lot of money’. We look at the fortunes of gold and the markets with the evaluations of Henry Weingarten.

“Inflation will be higher than Fed’s forecast, buy gold!”

While most of Wall Street can count on it to make a positive prediction no matter what, Henry Weingarten is giving the bears some ammunition to strengthen their case for a setback. It foresees major changes in 2022 and proposes maximum portfolio protection. He is telling investors to switch to cash as he expects a 15-25% correction in the stock market by the end of January. It also recommends buying gold as inflation will be much higher than the Federal Reserve expected.

Henry Weingarten’s prediction for 2022 starts this week, and that carries great risk. With limited market upswing, not buying stocks at today’s prices. He suggests selling stocks and bonds, increasing cash levels, avoiding margin, hedging, and short-term trading only. He bases this on the fact that Saturn square Uranus, a major planetary aspect, occurs on December 24.

Traditionally, Saturn represents building and protection, while Uranus represents change and destruction. When Saturn and Uranus form a square, we often see cracks appear in the foundations of society. Problems with our political, financial and social institutions come to light and then fall apart, Narayana Montufar, senior astrologer at, told Refinery29, a division of Vice News. When this appearance occurred in 1988, the Soviet Union collapsed and the Berlin Wall fell, explains

Henry Weingarten: Anything under $1,800 to buy

Originally a hedge fund, the Astrology Fund turned into a family office after the 2008 Financial Crisis. But a follower of Henry Weingarten, who wants him to continue providing market views like he did when he was a hedge fund, encourages him to do so. Weingarten’s last big prediction was the market’s fall in September. “The most important factor in 2022 is the Fed swelling as hell,” said Henry Weingarten.

They put themselves in a box. Inflation is not temporary. I don’t think there’s much they can do other than a little damage control, because inflation is everywhere. Inflation is over 5%, I guess it could go up to 10%.


Henry Weingarten says the market has lost some of the positives of 2021. The monetary policies of the Fed and other central banks and the government’s incentive programs are coming to an end. The support provided by the economy with the introduction of Covid-19 vaccines is coming to an end. Three positives remained: Too much cash on the side, increased dividend payouts, and the highest share repurchases in 22 years.

Henry Weingarten lists the growing negatives of the market as follows: Inflation concerns, President Joe Biden’s economic policies, extremely high market valuations, Covid 19 economic impact, debt defaults, bankruptcies and supply chain disruptions, trade dispute/war between China and the USA China, internal sales record. Based on these negativities, Henry Weingarten makes the following recommendations:

Buy gold before January. Anything under $1,800 is bought. Sell ​​the markets and get defensive this week. Buy copper or silver when you are weak.

“Gold will jump out the door in January”

Henry Weingarten says the global political and economic situation is favorable for both gold and silver. He states that gold is one of his favorite industries as investment, hedging, and portfolio hedging, and he recommends precious metals for portfolios:

I find it incredible that computers are selling gold while inflation is rising. Everyone who is a gold investor uses it as inflation protection, I think they will trade this year and we will profit.


Henry Weingarten, who predicts that gold will jump out the door in January, says the fair value of gold is $1,868, noting that it has the $1,770 support level and the overhead resistance of $1,934. Henry Weingarten states that precious metal stocks should outperform physical gold and silver in 2022 and recommends buying gold and silver from the bottom.

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