SEC’s Decision Date for Bitcoin ETFs Has Been Announced: These are the Days to Pay Attention to!

Bloomberg analyst James Seyyfart announced the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) decision dates for spot Bitcoin ETFs.

Bloomberg analyst James Seyyfart said on Twitter: in sharingSEC’s approval, rejection or postponementHe announced the dates of the decisions he will make regarding the issue.

In its statement, Seyyfart said that the apparent situation January 5 to January 10 He said it was in between. According to Seyyfart, this situation is a potential risk of approval. Monday, January 8, Tuesday, January 9 or Wednesday, January 10 It means the date will be given.

In case the SEC gives any approval Expectations are priced in the cryptocurrency market.

In his previous statements, Seyyfart said, spot Bitcoin ETF’for their future January 10, 2024 probability of approval by is 90% He stated that he could come earlier.

The peak of ETF expectations is evident from the increased interest in ProShares’ Bitcoin futures ETF. ProShares, assets under management (AUM) to $1.47 billion He stated that he had reached

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