Secretum Provides Next Generation NFT Trading!

Messaging and OTC trading application Secretum offers solutions to the potential risks faced by non-fungiable tokens (NFT) traders and collectors.

NFTs are booming

The explosion in non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is moving faster than ever, reaching new price and volume records in 2021:

  • The digital artwork “Everydays – The First 5000 Days” sold for $69 million at a Christie’s auction in March.
  • NFT sales increased by 700 percent in Q3 2021 to $10.7 billion compared to Q2 2021.
  • The total worldwide value of NFTs has exceeded $43 billion.

The proliferation of NFT games is fueling the fire even more – Axie Infinity, one of the most popular NFT metaverses, is on track to make $2.7 billion in 2021 almost exclusively from character and in-game NFT sales. In such an unprecedented and dynamic market, NFT buyers and collectors often face a number of challenges:

  • Hidden fees – Most of today’s NFTs are based on Ethereum standard tokens (ERC-20, ERC-721 or ERC-1155). Every NFT transaction comes with a “gas fee” as each token needs a certain amount of power to be produced. The fee is currently about 5.23 percent of the average NFT price – a significant cost for both buyers and sellers.
  • A fragmented market – While a number of NFT trading platforms are in operation (Opensea, Rarible), they do not help NFT buyers or sellers find potential NFT assets or collections of interest. Liquidity is therefore fragmented as buyers and sellers often cannot easily find each other, reducing the potential for maximizing selling prices.
  • Security problems – Crypto wallet attacks, hacks and data breaches are becoming more and more frequent. A total of 27 large-scale crypto wallet attacks took place in 2020, losing over $3 billion from their owners. With the global value of NFTs rapidly reaching $50 billion, collectors need a solution that ensures their valuable digital assets are safe as they are stored and traded.

An ambitious team of developers has created a unique, cutting-edge and highly reliable Blockchain-based platform that enables NFTs to be stored and traded securely, quickly and at minimal cost. This solution is called Secretum.

Secretum: The ultimate platform for secure, instant and low-cost NFT trading

Secretum is the world’s first and only decentralized encrypted messaging and OTC trading application built on the innovative Solana Blockchain. It offers users a number of unique features:

  1. Direct NFT and crypto token trading between users via an integrated escrow smart contract functionality, allowing users to find NFT holdings belonging to other wallets. This increases the liquidity of the NFT market, opening up endless opportunities for NFT trading without the need for an exchange.
  2. It provides direct and anonymous registration and messaging/phone communication with any wallet owner in the world, based solely on the wallet address. Secretum allows crypto holders to do something unprecedented i.e. communicate and trade with each other without knowing each other or being on a contact list.
  3. High-security NFT and file storage in a distributed node network eliminates the risk of hacking, data leakage, or any other tampering that normally affects cloud-based messaging/storage solutions.

Secretum’s use of the Solana Blockchain is a groundbreaking event for the NFT market, thanks to its outstanding features:

  • Lower costs – Solana’s transaction costs are as much as 99 percent less than average Ethereum gas fees – only $0.0025. This means that NFT aggregators and traders save more money and can significantly increase their business operations at almost no additional cost.
  • High processing speed – Solana can process 65,000 transactions per second, 4,000 times more than Ethereum. This means that Secretum can handle massive amounts of NFT trading activity between its users without any transaction delays.
  • An emerging ecosystem – In July 2021, Neon Labs announced the deployment of a cross-chain Ethereum Virtual Machine on the Solana testnet. Therefore, with the ubiquity of Ethereum-based applications and NFTs (90 percent of the total), Secretum will be able to leverage the speed of Solana’s cost advantages and accelerate the growth of Secretum’s user base and market presence in the NFT market.

Secretum’s unique capabilities and technology are a quantum leap forward for both the secure messaging and NFT market. Secretum aims to take full advantage of its future growth by positioning itself to be the go-to solution for both of these two enormous markets.

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