‘Secret Tweet’ Feature Coming From Twitter

A new feature of Twitter in the testing phase has been revealed. This feature, which appears as a ‘secret tweet’, allows a post to be hidden from the home page and profile page. Only people with the link to the tweet will be able to view the tweets in question.

Twitter is the world’s most popular microblogging platform. under testing A new feature has emerged. This feature allows users secret tweets will allow them to. Well, if our tweets are going to be private, what’s the point of sharing? That’s not exactly the case.

Twitter’s new feature is really confusing. So much so that when you send a secret tweet, that tweet is on the stream page and profile. does not appear. Users will be able to access the said shares only through links. If users who reach the share respond, the hidden tweet will begin to appear on the search results page this time. In fact, it will be possible to reach this sharing, but by roundabout ways will need to be passed.

You can test Twitter’s private tweet feature.

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