SEC Official Speaks: Cryptocurrency Projects Cannot Be Privileges

Gurbir Grewal, one of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) officials, said that they will not give any privilege to crypto money companies to enforce the law.

Speaking at an event in Washington, DC, Grewal said: “It seems that people are criticizing us for not favoring crypto (industry).” said.

Grewal as SEC their obligation to comply with the law saying and “(Ignoring the law) would betray the trust placed in us, and that is not an option for us.” said.

Before Grewal’s statements, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler also made statements about the crypto money industry. Gensler, in his statements this week warns against failing crypto money projects without a license to operate found.

Grewal, one of the SEC officials, also said that the crypto money market especially low-income and non-white that it affects people negatively.

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