Searching for Unknown Numbers is Coming to Google Phone

The Google Phone app will make it possible to simply research unknown numbers.

United States-based technology giant Google, comes to our agenda with the features it will bring with Android 15. Apart from this, the company also works on other services, and it last came to the fore when it took its own artificial intelligence model, Gemini, and adapted it to Gmail. With this development, Gmail will now be able to briefly summarize emails.

Apart from that, you too Gemini You will be able to ask about the outline, subject and important points of the e-mail. Now again from google We have another innovation before us. There is no artificial intelligence involved this time. In fact, this feature coming to the Google Phone application is so simple that it reminds people of “Why wasn’t it there before?” it makes you say.

Unknown numbers can be easily researched.

We can see what the feature in question looks like in the post shared by AssembleDebug. us in our guide from unknown number When we look at an incoming call, features such as “Add to contacts,” “Send a message,” and “Call history” appear that we are accustomed to. In addition to these, there is now a Lookup, that is, “SearchThere will be a ” button.

When you click on this button, Google will copy the number and put it in quotes and search it on the internet. There is a small but important detail here. If you Google something If you search by enclosing it in double quotes, all the pages containing that pattern are laid out in front of you. Since the number in question will be specific to the calling institution, you will be able to see the name of the institution directly and therefore know where they are calling you from.

Consider the benefit of the feature, e.g. spam calls You can understand it when you see the posts of users complaining on the internet. On the other hand, if an institution you need to talk to calls you, you can know who it is the next time you call.

The feature has been active on Pixel models in Japan for about a month. Now it is expanding to other Pixel models globally. Of course, let us remind you that the Google Phone application can also be downloaded to other phones.


For Those Who Are Tired of Long Emails: Gmail Will ‘Summarize’ Long Emails with Artificial Intelligence

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