Scolding Reins Forced on Women in the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages is a period that has always been famous for its various torture and punishment methods. These tortures, especially those inflicted on women, often leave our mouths agape and make us thankful that we did not live in that period. The torture method of this content is scolding reins.

Scolding, witch or gossip reins or mask of shame This tool, referred to as “, was made of particularly hard iron and was preferred by their husbands to inflict maximum pain on women.

So, what different details did the scolding reins have? What mistake would make a woman wear this?

This iron mask, generally called the scolding bridle, was first used to punish witches in England and Scotland in the 16th century.

However, the scolding reins that began to be used on all women accused of witchcraft, a kind of humiliating that person in front of society It was a preferred means of punishment for This iron mask surrounding the head also served as a mouthpiece.

A bridle tip or curb plate approximately 5cm x 2.5cm in size is slid into the mouth and is usually A pointed tip at the mouth would press on the woman’s tongue.

This mask would not even allow women to say a single word, so to speak, it would tie their mouth and tongue.


Azar restraints were so painful that women who had to wear them suffered both physiological and traumatic pain. Since the woman who experienced this cannot speak at all, she secretes excessive amounts of saliva and The weight of the mask would stun them.

As if the fact that women wore this iron mask did not humiliate them enough, a bell was also placed on top of some of these masks. For this reason, as the woman wearing the scolding bridle walks, it makes a sound and her husband, He aimed for his wife to be noticed in the crowd, both with this voice and the collar he put on her.


People who see the woman in this state sometimes call her He would insult her and sometimes spit on her. Nails were even hammered into the mouth parts of some masks to prevent the woman from attempting to speak.

“But what is the fault of these women?” We seem to hear you say.

reins of scolding

If a woman was considered by her husband to be rebellious, rude, nagging or drunk, she was punished with scolding reins. Apart from this, women gossiping, lying and even eavesdropping on conversations This would mean that they would be condemned to the iron mask.

This iron mask, which was actually used as a torture device, It was never approved by law and was illegal. However, it was somehow produced and continued to be used to offend women in Medieval Europe.

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