Scientists have observed a new double star!

at the Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics researchers, the long-established theoretically known double star observed the species. With this discovery, the team of scientists revealed how a rare type of star in the universe formed and evolved.

The researchers published the article describing their findings. Royal Astronomical Society’also published. Dr. Kareem El-Badry and his team, The Shane Telescope at the California Lick Observatory and conducted the study with data from several astronomical studies.

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The closest supermassive black hole pair to Earth has been observed! Scientists published their findings in a study.

The double star was discovered by this method!

Phys.orgAccording to the news, there is a 97 percent chance when a star dies. white dwarf, after using all his energy shrinking and darkening becomes a small, dense object. But in rare cases, a star may become an extremely low mass (ELM) white dwarf.

double star discoveries

With less than one-third the mass of the Sun, these stars pose a question: if stellar evolution calculations are correct, all ELM white dwarfs are 13.8 billion years more old. That is, it’s like older than the universe itself and therefore physically impossible.

Continuing his studies at the Center for Astrophysics al-Badry“The universe is not old enough to form these stars by normal evolution,” he says. Astronomers concluded that the only way an ELM white dwarf could form is through a binary star system. Gravity from a nearby star can quickly devour a star (in less than 13.8 billion years, at least) until it becomes an ELM white dwarf. However, this is not a definitive finding.

Scientists have found that normal, massive stars like the Sun cluster onto white dwarfs. This cataclysmic variable star it’s called. They also observed ELM white dwarfs. But they did not observe the evolutionary transitional stage or the transition in between. So they couldn’t see when an ELM turned into a white dwarf.

What is a double star?

El-Badry and his team, the space-based observatory launched by the European Space Agency Gaia and in the USA From Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) examined 50 potential candidates among a billion stars with the new data it received. He then followed up with close observations of 21 stars. He discovered that 100 percent of the candidates were these pre-ELMs.

“They were more swollen than ELMs,” the study leader said. They were also egg-shaped. Because the gravity of the other star distorts their shape. Two double star classes –cataclysmic shifting and ELM white dwarfsWe found the evolutionary link between said. Thirteen of the stars still showed signs of losing mass against their companions, while 8 seemed to be no longer losing mass. The temperature of each was also hotter than previously observed cataclysmic variable stars.

El-Badry stated that he will continue to work on other stars.

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