Fear of flying is an emotion that can sometimes prevent us from even the most exciting adventures, sometimes cause sweat on our faces, and sometimes cause hesitation when buying tickets. There are some methods to overcome this fear, also known as aerophobia, or fear of flying. “How to overcome fear of flying?” If you are wondering, you can deal with your fear with scientific methods.
If you came to this content, you are probably wondering “I wonder if there are other people suffering from the same situation as me?” you think. 17 percent of fear of flying There are various tactics to circumvent it.
By identifying the source cure fear of flying You can have comfortable flights. Of course, to fly freely in the sky, you must first read our content in full detail.
What is fear of flying?
As you can guess fear of flyingmeans being afraid of being on a plane. Aerophobia This type of phobia, also known as phobia, is generally divided into two. While some people are afraid of dying in a plane crash, some people are afraid of being trapped in the cabin. claustrophobia is developing.
Some academics did not suffer from claustrophobia alone but were trapped on the plane. panic attack It defines another group that is afraid of having it. Besides all this because he is afraid of heights There are also those who do not want to be on the plane, but they are in the minority compared to others.
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Do you realize that your fear is irrational?
Many people actually realize how unfounded this fear is. For example, whenever you see a news report about a plane crashing How dangerous do you think the plane is? However, when you consider how many planes take off and land every day, you may realize how rare these accidents are.
Let’s explain the situation with more scientific data. Statistics on plane crashes show that planes are among other modes of transportation. has the lowest death rate shows that it is. In a study conducted by Harvard University in 2017, the probability of a plane crashing was 1 in 1.2 million. The chance of dying as a result of an accident is 1 in 11 million He stated that it was.
So much so that you are actually more likely to die in a car accident. Because the number we see is One in 5 thousand.
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Who generally has a fear of flying?
Fear of flying effect The age range below is 17 to 34. These age ranges are actually the ages where important moments such as marriage, birth and graduation occur. In these important times, people do not want to die without experiencing the most special moments of their lives, and they become anxious and afraid of flying.
What causes fear of flying?
First, “What lies at the root of this fear?” You need to focus on the question because no single reason can be given. Most of the time, when fear of flying is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is fear of heights is happening.
However, there is also something involved fear of closed spaces, Loss of control or a negative experience in the past may also occur. While gripping your seat during a flight, thousands of feet in the air, you can actually glean clues as to the source of your fear. Psychological and physiological factorsplays important roles in both the formation and solution of this fear.
News such as terrorism, accidents and violence on airplanes are among these. Moments during landing and take-off, Diseases spread on airplanes or turbulence are just some of the factors that cause fear of flying.
Let’s look at fear from a more scientific perspective.
Fears are one of the most primitive parts of our brain. in the amygdala is processed. Many of our fears, including the fear of flying, are actually an attempt to protect us. But in modern times, this “protection mechanism” can sometimes be too vigilant. The first step in combating the fear of flying is understanding how this fear is processed in our brain.
Things to do to overcome fear of flying:
- Learn more about airplanes
- If you are afraid of turbulence, we have good news for you.
- Fear and danger are not the same thing. Do not forget this
- Choose a seat that will help you overcome your fear of flying
- Apply for cognitive behavioral therapy methods
- Practice relaxation techniques
- You can use doctor-approved medication
Learn more about airplanes.
Although airplanes seem ordinary to some of us, they are actually mystical machines. With their complex structures and systems that include much more than people understand They are equipped with many technical details.
First of all, planes to withstand emergencies You can start work knowing that it was designed. You can continue these steps by understanding what you can do in different scenarios.
Those who fear infectious diseases say that the cabin air in airplanes is renewed every three minutes and that 99 percent of foreign substances are removed. passed through HEPA filters and should know that polluting air does not circulate around.
The last thing you can do about this issue is to enter a simulator. In many science centers airplane simulator you can find. This way, if you have a fear of being on a plane, you can reduce it.
If you are afraid of turbulence, we have good news for you.
So the planes shake a little turbulence In fact, it is nothing more than a wind current. Think about it like this: When you go to a rough terrain, do you not shake at all in the vehicle? It may be a bit difficult to simplify the issue when it comes to weather, but you do not need to be afraid of turbulence because airplanes are designed to tolerate turbulence.
In this respect If you want to feel even more comfortable You can read our related content by clicking here.
Fear and danger are not the same thing. Do not forget this.
Your body reacts similarly when you feel anxiety or danger, and you may not be able to distinguish between the two. What you feel about getting on a plane Anxiety does not actually mean danger. Therefore, by reminding yourself of this frequently, you can say that you are actually safe when you feel anxious.
Distract yourself during the flight.
If you somehow got on a plane, but the fear inside you does not go away, apply tactics that will relax you and direct your attention to other things. This is a watching movie Or it could be turning the pages of your favorite book breathlessly.
Choose a seat that will help you get over your fear of flying.
If you know exactly what you are afraid of, choose your seat accordingly, regardless of price difference. If you are afraid of heights Don’t choose a window seat However, if you cannot help but see what is happening outside, you can sit by the window.
Those who experience feelings such as not being able to move and fear of closed spaces are aisle seats or first class seats may prefer. In this way, you expand your range of motion.
Apply to cognitive behavioral therapy methods.
This therapy method is generally used for phobias. Changing negative thoughts Different methods are used in this focused treatment method.
The first of these is exposure. Whether it’s virtual reality, simulation, or actually traveling by plane, but be exposed to flying or experiencing that feeling. If you think this will be too much for you systematic desensitization You can also use the method. This involves gradual exposure to the feared thing.
Practice relaxation techniques.
deep breathing, There are many techniques available, such as visualization and muscle relaxation. You can relax yourself and minimize your anxiety by choosing one of these depending on the situation that puts you in a difficult situation.
Tell the flight attendants about your concerns.
If you are afraid of flying, you can tell the flight attendants. Remember that they are more experienced than you and have hundreds of flight hours. Also, due to your anxiety, you may occasionally They will check it.
You can use doctor-approved medication.
Especially common in transportation vehicles medications for nausea available. You can also use medications for anxiety. Of course, under doctor’s supervision. However, you should not forget that these are short-term solutions.
Whatever the reason for your anxiety, what you need to know is that you are not alone in this process. Every fear is to be overcome, and fear of flying is one of them. “What should those with airplane phobia do?” By reviewing these items under the title, remind yourself that the sky is actually for everyone and that it is not very difficult to face your fear.
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