Sci-Fi Movie Scene Animated in Space [Video]

A popular scene in the famous space movie 2001: A Space Oddysey is played by astronauts aboard the International Space Station. It turns out that the iconic scene in the movie is not an exaggeration, but actually possible.

It was released in 1968 and is among the unique space films of that period. 2001: A Space Oddyseyhad an iconic scene. In this scene, one of the spacecraft attendants was serving the astronauts flying the spacecraft while wearing velcro shoes. What is striking here is that the attendant is quite as if he were on earth. it was easy to walk. Moreover, even in the upside down state, everything was very normal.

So was this a movie legend or was it real? Italian astronaut and current number one of the International Space Station (ISS) Samantha Cristoforetti, decided to do a cosplay to see if this scene in the movie was real. The cosplay done is not the legend of the scene in question, it’s real revealed.

The scene in 2001: A Space Oddysey was as follows:

2001: Officer on A Space Oddysey, a special velcro shoe was using. Velcro placed on the sole of this shoe allowed the spaceship to walk as if on earth. “I need to know this. Can you really walk in a gravity-free environment with Velcro shoes? Very soon…Samantha Cristoforetti, who shared the phrase “ Revived on the ISS.

Samantha Cristoforetti’s first post on Twitter was as follows:

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