Scam with Fake Profile on Social Media: Catfishing

Those who pay the bills of the person they meet on social media, those who send airfare money to meet, those who are fooled by their sincerity and share their private information… Here you go to the Catfishing quagmire!

Most of us we met on social media we harbor a prejudice against almost every foreigner. In fact, this prejudice, if used correctly, can lead us to catfishing The most important weapon that can protect from such a danger.

Regardless of male or female, a trap anyone can fall into Today, we examine the Catfishing file, which is If you are ready; keep your eyes peeled, here we go!

Origin and general description of Catfishing

  • A poster of the production of Catfish aired on MTV

Catfishing, in its most general definition; fictitious, fake or false on social media a duplicate profile and character by creating the person or persons chosen as the victim. deceiving in a way that may provide material or moral benefit. given name.

The origin of the word catfishing, The making of Catfish released in the US in 2010 is based. Thanks to the worldwide popularity of the production of Catfish, the type of fraud that fits the scenario in the production began to be called Catfishing.

The event that brought catfishing into our lives

Manti Te'o

Catfishing, in theory, actually Since the birth of social media It was a term that existed in our lives, but the process of definition was originally Catfish maker and American football player Catfishing case involving Manti Te’o It would be more accurate to say that it started with

From this point of view, you can use Catfishing not only with today’s social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook or Twitter; Even with older social media platforms like msn and Yahoo we can relate.

In recent years, especially some celebrities have been exposed to Catfishing, the treatment of this subject in various television productionsWe started to hear about Catfishing more frequently with the researches of big media organs such as , BBC, and we undoubtedly think that people are paying attention to be more cautious about this issue, but unfortunately we still encounter new Catfishing cases almost every day.

Catfishing symptoms


Catfishing person; often instead of using a very attractive photo of a man or woman, an ordinary photograph of a man or woman uses. In most cases, he does not know the original owner of the photo he uses, even if he does, he creates a new name for himself and uploads characters other than himself to this profile.

Among the stories he told you there is usually a disconnection or contradictions after a certain time starts.

A catfishing person is naturally with you never be able to make a video call. In fact, most of the time, he cannot make a voice call, but the fact that the person has made a voice video does not mean that he is not doing Catfishing.

Catfishing purposes and most common misconceptions


Catfishing generally has 2 major purposes. These two purposes, on the other hand, material or moral gain is to provide. With the fake profile he created, the person first instills some confidence in the other party, and when he feels ready, he starts to make material or moral demands from the other party.

One of the rare causes of catfishing low self esteemis Perhaps we can say that this is the most innocent of Catfishing. Here, the person does not have any material or spiritual expectation from the person in front of him. Just because of a lack of self-confidence another character and profile instead of their own character and profile he wears. It is generally harmless.

Catfishing example that made America stand up: Alicia


It has been on the news around the world; There are many Catfishing stories that have been the subject of movies, TV series and documentaries, but we would like to share only 2 examples with you due to the concept of our content. The first of these stories The example of Alicia, which happened in America and really raised America.

It was too late for everything when Alicia realized she had been duped.

Alicia missing notice

  • Alicia’s missing notice

Alicia Kozakiewicz is an American woman born in 1988. The difference that makes Alicia stand out in our content is; He was a victim when he was 13 years old.perhaps the scariest story of all Catfishing examples.

In 2001, when Alicia was 13 years old; a popular social network at the time. With a person named Scoot Tyree on Yahoo! met. They chatted with Scoot, who is 13 years old just like him, for about a year.


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After a year or so of friendship, Scoot persuaded Alicia to meet face-to-face on New Year’s Eve 2002, and they decided to meet. When Alicia went on a date With a 38-year-old man instead of a 14-year-old he met him, he realized at that moment that he had been tricked. When she wanted to escape, Scoot put her in his car and poor Alicia couldn’t resist.

A nightmare for Alicia that lasted for 4 days and being a light to society after treatment


  • Alicia and the social responsibility project today

Scoot, who held Alicia captive in the basement for 4 days after kidnapping, He raped and tortured Alicia for 4 days and even shared these moments on the internet. With the involvement of the FBI, Alicia was rescued at the end of the 4th day on January 4, 2002.

Alicia’s case It had a huge impact in the USA. and laws were enacted to prevent such an event from happening again. The enacted law was also named after Alicia. Alicia received psychological support due to the trauma she experienced, and with the support she received, she stood up even stronger.

To avoid cases like Alicia again Alicia Project An initiative was launched under the name of and with this initiative, many missing children are still found and handed over to their families, and children and families are informed about Catfishing.

They even let the terrorist organization Catfishing


  • Valene Kane as Amy Whittaker in Profile (2018), which tells a similar story

When we think of catfishing, we usually think of it. innocent women deceived, pure men or children who have not yet met the realities of life. These natural but well-planned Catfishing plans are sometimes even terrorist organizations they can get into their nets.

3 women in 2015, with the radical Islamic terrorist organization ISIS. He contacted them and stated that they wanted to join the organization. After speaking for a while, they gained the trust of the organization and received approval for participation from the organization.

After obtaining approval, women had a problem. They had no money to spend on transportation to go to Syria. and reported this situation to the organization. Thereupon, the organization paid the women a total of 3300 dollars, from 1100 dollars per person. After the payment is received, as you can imagine, in the middle There were neither 3 women, nor anyone who wanted to join the organization, nor the internet accounts they used.

If it is used correctly, things can come out for the benefit of society.


Although we have only described the negative aspects of catfishing so far, from time to time by law enforcement to catch criminals It is also known to be used.

especially on the internet drug dealer and people who commit pedophilia The most effective way to catch them is known as catching them red-handed with the Catfishing method. In fact, it is seen that NBC’s Dateline program also includes the story of the criminals caught by the Catfishing method.

For those weird Catfishing stories…


There are many Catfishing stories in the world as sad as Alicia’s experience and as strange as the example of ISIS. Kaice Woody and Carly Ryan murders, Megan Meier’s suicide case Would you like us to share many remarkable Catfishing stories with you?

If you want to know more and weird Catfishing stories, let us know in the comments. Meanwhile, you live If you have catfishing experience You can also share it with us in the comments.

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